Saturday, February 5, 2011



     Mahalo piha e Pauline me Malama Hawai`i. We, the 21st Century Golden Hawks Academy of Nanakuli High and Intermediate School, truly appreciated all that you have done to introduce US to Ka`ena Point. The presentation that Pauline (Malama Hawai`i) and Michelle and Sean ( DOFAW’s) rolled out was the "Entry Document" for my student's. This started the seed to think and research about Ka`ena Point and the issue's that this Coastal Ecosystem is facing.
     It had been many years since I had made this trek. As a matter of fact I do not have many memories of the view just the memories of my family making our way to Mokuleia in our blue Nova station wagon. At times, we had to get out of the car and guide my father along the edges of the oceans cliff.
     The ocean, foliage, fauna, my students, the scientists, Pauline, my daughter (Ka`ena), and my hula tita (Luana) have given me new memories. Oops let's not forget Mr. Hirai. These memories are current and beautiful. Yes, it was a challenge, hot, and maybe for my students something they may or may not want to do again but it is a memory none the less.

Me ke aloha pumehana,
Mrs. Kirkland

1 comment:

  1. It was my pleasure, Mrs. Kirkland. Your class was well-prepared and well-behaved. It was a joy to share Ka'ena Point with them. I hope they will choose to go back many times in their lives so that they can witness the recovery and say that they were part of it.
