Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wai'anae High School field trip

On a beautiful January morning, students from Mr. Kurose's class in the Wai'anae High Natural Resources Academy ventured on a long hike to Ka'ena Point Natural Area Reserve. They began with an 'oli.

With the sun behind our backs, we hiked on the scenic 2 mile trail along the Wai'anae Coast. It was such a gorgeous day with the ocean so malie.

Mr. Kurose and Dr. Bruce pointed out some very interesting geological formations.

Finally, we made it to the Natural Area Reserve!

There we saw lots of pa'u o Hi'iaka in bloom. The winter rains made them very u'i!

And then we saw the moli (Laysan Albatross) sitting on their nests.

Can you see more of them here?

Finally at the Point, we saw Hawaiian monk seals!  There were three of them and a thrownet fisherman was also nearby. They didn't seem to be bothered by his presence.

Then we hiked all the way to the leina a ka 'uhane and met Uncle Keale, the ranger at Ka'ena Point. He told us some very interesting stories that were also inspirational.

We also learned about the predator-proof fence and its purpose -- to restore the native Hawaiian ecosystem so that natural and cultural resources could be protected and enjoyed by anyone who comes to visit.

Before we left the Natural Area Reserve, we posed for a group shot by the soon-to-be completed fence to celebrate our accomplishment.  Maika'i loa!

(Mahalo to WHS photographers for many of the cool photos!)

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